Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sky Letter

Letter from my heart to root guru, His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, Ngawang Khenrab Lekshey Gyaltso dated 6 May 2007

My most beloved and precious heart father and root guru,
Through your perfect wisdom, you see things as they are,
Through your great compassion, you embrace all beings as your children,
Through your omniscient power, you uphold the precious Dharma,Through your boundless kindness, you reveal the path to liberation,
Perfect and precious root guru, I bow at your lotus feet.
I have been requested by Lama Choedak Rinpoche in Australia to write an eulogy in your memory. I am writing simply and sincerely from my heart as an offering to you. I am sending this letter to the expanse of Dharmakaya, to the boundless blue sky, I beg you, out of your compassion, please regard me from your state of non-arising, non-abiding, non-ceasing empty luminosity.
In this life, my greatest blessing is to have the fortune to meet you and to serve you as your servant. Out of your great kindness and compassion, you have cared for me like a father cares for his only child, you have ripened my mind stream with empowerments, and given me priceless oral instructions. In short, you are my only hope to liberation.
Now, even my only hope, the glorious king of Dharma, have dissolved his bodily form into the space of Dharmakaya. I am left without hope. I cherish your every gesture, expression and instruction and I am trying to be strong, to continue to live and practice your teachings but do you know Rinpoche, in the moments of weakness and breakdown, life seems so futile, so difficult and so hopeless without you. Without you, there is no sun, no moon, no sky, and no earth. No cherry blossoms in the spring, no harvest in the summer, no falling leaves in the autumn and no snow in the winter. No music in my ears, no sparkle in my eyes, and no space in my mind. What remains now is only day without sunshine, night without moonlight, coldness in the bitter winter, a living hell on earth. Without you, there is only a dark aeon.
When I think of this precious human rebirth but yet my laziness to practice dharma, I think of you.
When I think of impermanence and the law of karma and all pitiful beings trapped within this nightmare, I think of you.
When I think of all my mother sentient beings drowning in the ocean of samsara, I feel their pain and suffering in my heart, I think of you.
When I experience the ripening of my negative karma caused by my own ignorance and confusion, I think of you.
When I think of death, my body burning into ashes, my lonely soul lost in the bardo, I think of you.
When I think of how my desire drives me to worthless worldly pursuits, I think of you.
When I think of how my anger brings me to the tortures of cold and hot hells, I think of you.
When I think of how my ignorance keeps me from seeing things as they are, I think of you.
When I think of how my life is akin to a light feather tossed helplessly in the wind of karma, I think of you.
When I think of how I am enslaved by my own deluded mind, I think of you.
When I think of how endless beads of thoughts obscure me from seeing the nature of my own mind, I think of you.
When I think of how I am an orphan without you, blind, crippled and doomed, I think of you.
Oh my kind heart father, I am calling for you from the depths of my heart and with tears in my eyes. Please think of me for just one single moment? Your great kindness and compassion to me and others of equal fortune is vast and infinite and even if I were to fill the three worlds with gold, I can never repay your kindness fully. I am forever indebted to you. Please have mercy on me and all hopeless beings. Just as a mother cannot bear to leave her newly born child without food, shelter and protection for even one second, please out of your great compassion and in order to uphold your boddhicitta vow, do not abide continuously in Dharmakaya but instead swiftly return to this world to shower us with the rain of your blessings and teachings, to physically lead us on the journey to liberation and to care for us like a father cares for his only child. Life after life, I vow to be your servant, serving you with my life. Please may we meet again and again life after life until the moment of re-union with mother luminosity. Even then, may you always sit on the lotus on my head as the ultimate lord of the family.

Your sinful daughter and servant
Konchok Choedon.
6 May 2007
Jardines Lookout,
Hong Kong

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